Spent the day up in the mountains snowshoeing in the warm company of a cousin. What a power trip walking up, down, and all around in absurdly deep snow at times on and off the trail. Alas! Fell through a snowy patch, wedged under a low bowed branch. Fairly well stuck right there on my bum in a semi-reclined position much like a newfound mermaid with my shoes kinda snow ploughed into an overlapped extra stuck kinda way. Couldn’t get any leverage to pull myself up and out, kept sliding down further and panic was a monstrous beast that threatened to override calm rationale. But, then! Threw fear right out the second story window (thank you, Jesus, deep breaths, and can-dos) and got on with it. My cousin dug me out with his ungloved(!) hands, because he’s a giant gentle bear of a man and just whom one needs when snow attacks.