Well this took forever to arrive in theatres. Thankfully, this side of forever. With such visual decadence roaring across the screen as only Luhrmann can produce, it was a quick minute to finding me in a ready seat.
“I’m gonna fix things the way they were before.
Just you and me.”
For these words, I sat with eager ears, if only to dream for an hour or two. At the very core, this lavish indulgence was rooted in the simplicity of love yet aided by none of its ease. Same classic story- Gatsby’s a self-made renaissance man with purity of character and the drive to see his heart’s desire, Daisy, on through- worthy of a sigh. And that suit, that white, white, suit. Not just any white suit, an “I’m in someplace tropical and too cool for my own skin” white suit. Or, New York in the story’s case, either/or.
Nearing the conclusion, I was turned off by Daisy’s callus attitude towards Gatsby’s demise, and left the theatre feeling sullen and a bit dismal. Hardly the effect I was hoping for. Maybe it’s best I stick to the trailer that does well to tap into all the angst and passion contained within the film with none of what became of it. At the very least, the soundtrack treats me to a cover of Love Is Blindness by a certain Mr. White. Appeasement.